Photographing Alcedo athis in action
More than a year ago, this odyssey began ... The idea was to capture images of an action that takes place at an incredible speed, the...

Podiceps nigricolis in south Iberia
Some time ago, around six months, start this odyssey ... it is never easy if one wants to do something new in a place, and less if it is...

Photographing snakes in freedom
Photographing snakes is not an easy task, as I commented in a previous post on this blog. In this case, I would like to share how a...

Capturing the amphibian song of love
Sometimes, I have some crazy ideas to get new images that tell us something different. It is really easy, go during the reproductive...

Photographing a ladder snake
Snake photography is not like the photography of other species. You can not place feeders or drinking troughs to attract them as it is...

A trunk in the middle of a plain ...
Something as simple as a trunk in the middle of a cereal crops could be the best idea that I never have had ... I've been watching their...

Take care...
I was fortunate to participate in a work on the state of the reptile populations in the wetlands of the Upper Guadalquivir ... the...

Tachybaptus ruficollis... mirror view
It is the smallest member of the grebe family, and also one of the most widespread waterfowl in Iberian Peninsula... Enjoy watching him...

One of my best shot ...
Autumn arrives and they begin to appear ... these little restless people roam everywhere, with their songs and presence they make us...

Special birdhouse...
It is normal to see in some houses some birdhouses hung in some tree of the house. However, the requirements of this situation of...