Podiceps nigricolis in south Iberia

Some time ago, around six months, start this odyssey ... it is never easy if one wants to do something new in a place, and less if it is Andalusia, where the bureaucracy is sometimes an insurmountable barrier. Six months ago, I was present at the environmental counseling stating that I wanted to photograph the black-necked grebe from hydrohide, and they did not know very well how to guide me in this task. I start the request of the permits for the photography of this specie in the natural park of the Marismas del Odiel (Huelva, Spain), where one of the largest concentrations of this species occurs, at the same time I started the construction of my first hydrohide After six months I received a letter from the environment council, the hydrohide had been ready for almost five months, authorizing me to photograph this species in the natural park, although they put as an essential requirement: accompanying the ringing sessions of this species of the hand of Luis García, from my point of view, the person who best knows this species...this was great!!! At nine o'clock in the morning we went to the visitor's center, we introduced ourselves and started talking about what I came here to do, Luis did not hesitate to draw on the floor what the session was going to be like, where the catcher and where I have to position myself and the hidohide so as not to interfere negatively with the normal activity. Not without fear, I put the camera and zoom on the hydrohide, so much money to play in salty water, and I jump into the water, in just a few minutes I have seventy grebes in front of my camera, I can not believe, shot and shot and that red eye is recorded in my mind .... I already have what I was looking for ... and now? I just have to provide my help to continue this beautiful work, Friday after Friday I continue attending the ringing sessions, not only have I taken good pictures of this species, but I have met many people who with their altruistic work help to conserve a singular species, the black-necked grebe ... to all the volunteers that participate: a million thanks!!!! and also thank to the Consejeria de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucia to give me the neccesary permits for develop this task ;)