Photographing a "duck"...
Photographing a "duck" should not be a difficult task, I told myself ... I overlooked a big issue, that these are hunted and that throughout the world they shoot from hiding very similar to the ones I use, so they do not tolerate anything, not a move when you have them at a short distance .. ..obviously I speak of "wild ducks", not that semi domestic ... Well, I prepared to do it, prepare a good hide at water level and take special care in hiding it ... I entered something earlier in the hide than usual, about three hours before dawn. Barely an hour and a half for the first lights, they already heard "whistle" over my head, to end up landing right in front of me ... but I still have no light! I have to endure more than two and a half hours until the light is right to freeze movements fast ... as I always have something in mind ... I have clear that I do not want a picture of a "duck" swimming by the water ... I want him to say something, to highlight something ... Maybe, I want him to show the tenderness with which they treat their feathers, and make us think, how we treat them, for their delicate feathers ...